About Us

Ali is new to the entire experience of homesteading. She is divorced, and a mom of 2 awesome boys,  2 cats, 2.5 dogs, and a whole bunch of furred and feathered neighbors in the forest.  She finds it quite odd to be referring to herself in the third person. She's the brains behind some of the organizational things, gardening, and more of the little creative touches you'll see from time to time.

Mike grew up in farm country, and has a plethora of knowledge on a variety of subjects, making this place just perfect for him. He is divorced, and has 2 lovely daughters, 1 (almost 2) lovely granddaughter(s), and proud co-fur-parent to the aforementioned 2 cats and 2.5 dogs, & furred/feathered neighbors of the forest. He digs music, cars, tools, wrenching, the color black, and getting his hands dirty on a variety of projects around the property. He's the brains behind a lot of the mechanical and structural projects you'll see.

Uncle Dick is our resident Handy Man. A friend of ours from the HAM radio universe, Dick graciously offered to help us out with whatever we need around the ranch, and in exchange he camps out or stays in the spare room with his trusty sidekick, Shadow (the .5 dog in our tally of critters)
He is the brains behind a lot of our recycling projects.

Our goal is to set up a nice little homestead for Mike and I to live out the remainder of our lives, and to build a place for our families to enjoy after we're long gone. A sanctuary for our dearest friends in need, and a place to live, laugh, and enjoy the stunning beauty of the forest around us.

Everyone shares in the work. Everyone shares in the bounty.

Thank you for your interest in our little project.

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